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Below are several testimonials from clients who describe the benefits received from my services. I am grateful for their testimonials but more importantly to be a part of their lives.

"Mary Ann, through the years you have given us solid advice. It has assisted in formulating business strategy and addressing matters organizationally in a positive manner. Your foresight has been impeccable and accurate. (Business Owner, Erie PA) (Business owners can contact this person through me if reference needed). April 21, 2024

" I was referred to Mary (Ann) by a friend and I'm so glad I reached out to schedule a reading online. Mary made it very easy to connect, and made it very comfortable doing such a intimate service over the phone. I felt very cared for the entire time and I would easily recommend Mary to anyone. " - Brooke, 9.21.23

I would like to extend my gratitude for your gift. You were really on point about many things! As an empath, the techniques you provided to help me navigate and protect myself during difficult situations and "energy drains" has been invaluable. I've started Reiki self treatments again, and this has really helped a lot, especially in releasing some hurt that I've held onto. This reading has given me a lot of initiative to get back into metaphysics, and to continue strengthening my own gifts as well. I also appreciated that you were very positive & empowering! - Jen (2019)


I want to first say "Thank You", you have helped me and my family in so many ways! I first came to you over a year ago and I was happy with my job and my home. But I had heard so much about Reiki and had many referrals that you were the person to go to. What happened at my first session started major changes in my life. You released many blocks during my session and also completed an intuitive reading. During that reading you told me that I was leaving my job and starting another very similar, moving someplace very sunny and warm and also selling my house. I left your house thinking you were off your rocker! But a few months later things in my life started to change very rapidly.

My career of 10 years in working in Cuyahoga County dramatically changed. I was so distraught over the changes and corruption in my office I left my job. I had hard time finding employment as everyone else. I went back to see you again. You were so understanding! You helped show me how to remove my own blocks and taught me how to meditate. You also said that I was still moving and my job was coming and that I was going to sell my home. I decided that I wanted to further my studies with Reiki and I became a Reiki master by practice with your classes.

My life has changed forever! I began to see colors and shapes that no one else could see. I began to know things before they would happen. I started to think I was going crazy. I was going thru a very hard time finding employment and now my husband was laid off of his job of 26 years. I was doing Reiki everyday on myself and a few other people like my family. This was such a hard time for us.

I went back one last time to see if you could help me understand what was going on with my life. You explained to me that about what I was seeing and how I was knowing things before they happened. You also helped me with many vivid dreams that I was having. You told me to be patient and that when the time was right spirit would let me know. Divine timing, this is a very big thing and that I cannot rush things. We all have lessons to learn and if I had fears this would hold me back. Well, of course I was afraid! I quit my job and my husband lost his. We were living on our life savings and retirement plans to try and keep our house.

Later that same month I got a job offer in the state of Florida doing almost the same exact job I did in Cuyahoga County! My family and I have recently moved to Florida (sunny and warm) and even my teenage daughter got a job! My house is still on the market to be sold but activity has picked up with viewings. I am so happy with how my life has changed for the better!!! I still see things (energy) and know things before they happen but it has become much more clear. This new gift will forever be apart of my life!

I really want to THANK YOU! Your gifts and knowledge have changed my life and my family's!


Tammy B.

Dear MaryAnn,

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for the reading this past week. As always, I feel comforted by your guidance. I must admit, what started as a reluctant whim 8 years ago has certainly developed into something greater than I had ever imagined. Over the past eight years, you have given me reiki, taught me to listen to my intuition during your classes, given me intuitive reading both in person and over the phone. I have been amazed with your gifts and your level of accuracy. Because of this, I continue to come to you on a regular basis; in addition, I have and continue to refer others to you.

MaryAnn, the advice you have given me over the years, along with your counseling, has helped me to better manage life events “so that my greater good is realized.” Today, I consider you both a dear friend and trusted advisor. I feel as if I found all of life’s blessings with your guidance.

I am not certain that I’ve told you this before, but I am truly grateful for your influence in my life. Thank you for your time and for sharing your “gifts” with me and other. You are certainly one of God’s angels here on earth.

Much appreciation and gratitude,

Lisa M.