An insightful and contemplative look at your soul’s life path. This reading combines and utilizes both tarot and numerology which connects to the tarot. This is done via email so that you can retain it. Here is the outline of the wheel:
1. Soul Purpose and Potential
2. Challenges along your path
3. Love and familyinfluences both positive and negative
4. Guides along the way, in spirit or human
5. Path to Fulfillment
6. What you need the most
7. What you learn and must let go of.
8. Future
Major Arcana (Tarot combined with Numerology) Future possibilities What I need – your picture and your birthdate. Readings includes photo of spread attached.
Cost - $50
A month to month look at future influences and predictions for your birth year (from your birthdate to one year ahead). Similar to Wheel of the Year readings with a card for each month. This is done via email so that you can retain it.This reading also includes numerology connected to the tarot to show what influences are coming for the entire year.
What I need – your picture and your birthdate.
Readings includes photo of spread attached.
Cost - $50
a great birthday gift). Email:
If you would like to do a combination reading of life path and a general reading of the future, let me know. The cost for that is $75 In that it would be a email reading with life path information. This will be a lengthy report and hold much insight. You can ask questions too.
What I need – your picture and your birthdate.
Readings includes photo of spread attached.
The fee for this monthly service is $75. (same as monthly retainer)
Note: Wheel of the Year Readings are available from last week in November through end of January each year. These are readings based on the upcoming year, a month-to-month look at influences.